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How to Let Go of What Doesn't Serve You

Beautiful Day

It's hard to let go.

I think we are faced with what we can let go of often. Sometimes when it has to do with a relationship or career or goal, we think we have to let go of the whole thing itself.

Not necessarily true.

If we can rise and open to a different frequency, the situation itself can change, leaving us with little to "do" but enjoy and explore the new situation.

You might still be in the same relationship or job, but you've somehow let go of the intensity of the attachment to the outcome you wanted.

Suddenly, there is more freedom and space for the things and people around you to re-arrange themselves because you are not holding them to the outcome you desire.

If the outcome you desire is not in the highest alignment...for example, if your desire is motivated by fear, it will keep you in a cycle of suffering instead of growth and expansion until you let go of it.

How can we let go?

Well, there are many ways...

Tapping or EFT can help release the anxiety, fear and sadness keeping you attached.

Some types of bodywork massage can also help move the emotions keeping you stuck.

Once the emotion is released, you're in a better place to make choices, but the deepest layers of fear based attachment may still be there on the energetic level, encoded in your Spiritual Blueprint or DNA.

Akashic Frequency work, however, can help release the mental/emotional blocks at the frequency level in order to get to a deeper layer and faster change.

If you're dealing with a block in your life right now, a cyclical pattern of suffering or confusion and you would like to break out of it, I am offering these 2 specials to support you available until November 30th.

What you will receive:

  • 75-min live private zoom session

  • Recording of session

  • Identification and release of distortions keeping you stuck

  • Holistic understanding of issue at hand

  • Suggestions and homework to help you integrate the change

  • Book before Nov 30 and schedule for anytime through the end of the year.

I am so excited to connect and share this work with you, as we all need our support systems to help us at the right times.

Have a great day!


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